sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Is online storage the NEXT BIG threat?

Some months ago, David Villar -a good friend- sent me an invitation to join Dropbox. It just looked fantastic, but as my Internet line DSL at home doesn't have a great bandwith I just decided not to use it by the moment.

Some months later, another friend (Enrique) told me that he was very interested in online storage and has been researching several websites that offer this service both for free (with less storage capacity) and paid as well. He's been sending me at least 3 or 4 different websites who offer this service.

The thing is: It's true: online backups and storage are a great idea! - But... if I wanted to steal data -and probably valuable data- the best thing I could do, is to set-up a Fake Online Storage site with very good looking, just like Fake-AVs sites, and just wait for the ingenous people to upload their data, or even better: I could then, install a trojan in their computers with their acknowledgment!

Why do I say this?: I received a memopal invitation. It has a MAC client -I use Appl Mac at home-, so I downloaded and installed the client. However it had a very, very agressive behaviour: installing itself as a service, auto-running and asking for TOO MANY personal details. All of this raised alerts in my paranoid mind, so I just uninstalled everything!! - I don't tryst such agressive behaviour from unknown software or services companies..

To be honest: I don't say memopal is a bad site, but also I don't know who they are, or why I should trust them to store my personal data!

Please, be very careful with these websites.. Things you should do in order to prevent identity & data theft:
  1. Upload your information encrypted with File STRONG encryption utils, like GPG
  2. You just DON'T backup personal data in these websites (especially username&passwords stored in a text file or things like this!)

Let's see how long it takes the bad guys to set up sites like these!

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